How and why trade futures

trading gold futures

There are many ways to trade financial assets, including stock, bonds, real assets, even Gold IRAs is a form of financial investment! But in the dynamic world of financial markets, futures contracts are essential derivative products for sophisticated traders looking to implement professional trading strategies such as scalping, to hedge against fluctuations in the price of an asset or to actively speculate in markets such as commodities.

So let’s demystify the operation and use of futures contracts, by exploring their characteristics, their advantages, as well as the techniques and essential information for trading them effectively on the stock market.

A future contract, what is it

Futures contracts are part of the large family of derivative products. Initially reserved for financial professionals, they are now accessible to most individual traders.

Future contract definition

A future is a negotiable futures contract for the purchase or sale relating to an underlying asset (such as gold), thus allowing one to position oneself on the rise or fall in the value of an asset. The contract is standardized and processed on an organized market (as opposed to the OTC market where financial products are processed over the counter, such as CFDs for example). Futures contracts include a deadline called maturity.

History of Futures Contracts

Anecdotally, the beginnings of futures can be dated to the Babylonian period. So, nothing new under the sun, or almost, concerning the principle of the futures contract. But if we take a more serious interest in standardized futures contracts, we can make their appearance coincide with the creation of the CBOT (Chicago Board Of Trade), in 1848. The CBOT was the first stock exchange offering futures contracts dedicated to cereals. In 1874, the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) also offered futures, mainly for cattle.

Fluctuations in the price of a future contract accompany those of the underlying with a quotation spread which depends on several factors:

  • time value until maturity
  • cost of capital immobilization compared to the risk-free rate
  • value of dividends (if stock or index) not received by the contracts

Thus, a few minutes before expiry, except for final arbitrages, the value of the contracts is equal to the value of the underlying asset known as cash.

Future contract deadlines

Deadlines depend on contract specifications. Generally quarterly on the indices, except for the CAC40 (Future CAC or FCE).

In all cases, the contract is associated with the year and month of expiry.

Trading hours for futures contracts

Each future contract will have its own time specifications. We are in a regulated and regulated world.

There are many underlyings for futures including gold. The FCE contract (CAC 40) opens trading at 08:00 and closes at 22:00. The DAX contract (DAX40), which opened at the same times as the CAC, has been offering extended hours since 2021, starting at 02:15 and ending at 22:00. The benefit is obvious, in the case of a swing or overnight position, having extended hours will allow us to avoid or limit gaps and therefore allows us to better manage our risk on stop losses.

The characteristics and advantages of futures contracts

Liquidity of futures

Futures contracts generally have good liquidity, unless we venture into exotic contracts. But the basis for having good liquidity is to process the contract on the current maturity. Liquidity is defined as the trader’s ability to be able to open and close a position while having a counterparty at any time. The absence of liquidity will lead to a wide spread (gap between buyer and seller) and therefore to hidden costs for closing your position.

A buy or sell position for futures contracts

A future allows you to buy, to position yourself long on the underlying, but the future also allows you to sell, to position you short and therefore speculate on the decline.

The notion of margin: a characteristic to take into account for Futures. The purchase of the future triggers the taking of a margin by the broker. This margin represents between 5 and 10% of the value of the contract, depending on regulatory requirements but also on the volatility of the underlying. The more volatile the underlying, the more the requested margin can be extended. The margin requested also varies depending on the broker and the use (intraday or overnight) and the purpose (position opening or maintenance).

To make trading easier, it is advisable to take the maximum margin as a reference, except for very experienced traders, very active intraday, who will opt for the minimum margins.

Leverage: the double-edged tool of futures contracts

The leverage effect follows directly from the notion of margin that we have just studied. All traders in the world agree with that, but we must never forget that lever 10 works in both directions: as much for the gains that we welcome with a smile, as for the losses, which more specifically make us cringe. To be clear, a 1% drop in the gold future will cause you to lose 10% of your position. And therefore a 10% drop in gold will cause you to lose all your margin.

All traders must therefore strictly respect their money management rules, and all the more strictly if they use leverage.

The margin call: a component not to be neglected when trading futures contracts

The margin call is the additional margin requested by the broker. In reality, everything happens mechanically. It is obviously strongly discouraged to use maximum leverage. Only in movies do we see traders getting excited about their margin calls. The advice is therefore to never go beyond a leverage of 2 or 3 (already being a little master of your subject) and only very experienced traders will be able to go beyond without ever exceeding a leverage of 5.

Relatively low brokerage fees for futures contracts

Futures brokerage fees are low compared to other products. This is a key advantage of this product. The price for a contract will be around $1.5 (depending on the brokers) or 0.0004%. We are far from the fees we pay on stocks for example.

Rolling maturities: a practice intended to preserve future contracts

Since contracts have expiry dates, maintaining positions over several weeks or months will require us to roll our positions, which simply means exiting the current contract to reposition on the contract with the next expiry date. If I am selling on gold and I want to keep my contract, because I have bearish objectives over several weeks, I must roll by buying the next contract and selling one new contract, when the future expiration approaches.

Telecommunications recycling and precious metals recovery

the price of gold

What is telecommunications recycling and precious metals recovery

Customers are increasingly turning to us with their needs for responsible telecommunications recycling and precious metal recovery from their surplus and obsolete telecommunications network equipment. Also known as urban mining, it is defined as the process of recovering compounds and parts from electronic equipment that would otherwise go to landfill. Check this page to find out about these metal processes:

Recycling companies’ customers thus play an important role in reducing the demand for precious metals and the energy required for their production, such as mining, which can have adverse environmental consequences, including increased CO2 emissions. In addition to benefiting the environment, urban mining telecommunications equipment can also create new revenue streams for your business, turning unwanted assets into financial gain.

Precious metals in electronic waste

If resale and reuse is not an option, don’t assume that scrapping from landfills is your only route. It is often possible to recover precious and critical metals such as gold (Au), silver (Ag), palladium (Pd) and copper (Cu) from e-waste. All of these materials are needed to make new electronic devices.

Printed circuits used in telecommunications equipment are among the highest yielding electronic panels in terms of precious metals. However, it’s not just circuit boards that can deliver results. There are precious metals in many other electronic waste materials such as cables (i.e. copper cables, coax cables and so on), processors, computer memory and a variety of other items such as connectors and cabinet backplanes to maximize customer revenue generation.

It pays to work with a specialist company that knows how to get the most out of your old telecommunications equipment. They not only do understand very well where the value of your products lies; the size of some of these companies allow them to leverage relationships with the world’s largest foundries to maximize value for our customers.

Responsible telecommunications recycling

They are committed to meeting the highest standards for responsible telecommunications recycling. They ensure that all hazardous and non-hazardous materials are recovered in an environmentally friendly manner and we will provide you with full traceability on all materials containing hazardous elements in accordance with current legislation. As a result, they have become reliable telecommunications recycling and precious metals recovery partners for some of the most respected companies in the world.

By recycling telecommunications equipment, you can enjoy the transparent results of reporting and analysis, while benefiting from the economic gains and environmental benefits offered by precious metal recovery.

Recycle telecommunications parts

If you are considering selling a material containing precious metals and would like an assessment from an established industry leader with an in-depth understanding of responsible e-waste recovery management and WEEE recycling regulations for businesses, contact one of them. Together, they can make a significant contribution to protecting the environment and ensuring a long-term supply of these valuable resources.

Gold recycling in electronic equipment

Gold recycling from electronic equipment is a good practice for both environmental sustainability and resource conservation. Within electronic devices like smartphones and computers, small amounts of gold are used in circuitry and connectors. Check this article to find out how much gold can be retrieve from a mobile phone.

Recycling these devices when they become obsolete allows for the extraction of gold, reducing the need for new mining and lessening environmental impact. This can help to recover valuable metals that might otherwise end up in landfills, contributing to pollution. Modern advanced techniques, including chemical extraction and refining processes, are employed nowadays to separate gold from other materials in electronic waste. By promoting gold recycling, we can diminish the environmental footprint of electronic production and contribute to a more sustainable future.

If you are interested in knowing more about gold and the recent bull market, check this website: They have tons of information on gold investing including gold IRAs.

A Beginner’s Guide to Mastering the Art of Reading and Speaking Thai

visit beautiful Thailand

Thai Alphabet

The Thai alphabet can be confusing for a Westerner: several letters correspond to a sound very close to K for us. Learning Thai, what crazy idea will you tell me? Yes, but it is inevitable if you want to integrate in Thailand. English is sometimes poorly mastered, and speaking Thai is a mark of respect much appreciated there. It is not uncommon to see people stop in the street if they see you with a newspaper written in Thai, and look at you with wide eyes!

Learn Thai: hello, how are you? You should know that the Thai alphabet has nothing to do with what you have already seen, unless you have studied Pali or Sanskrit at some point in your life: the origins of Thai are a bit of a mixture of the two. Thai is written from left to right, there is no punctuation, and several words can be written together. The letters are not linked and there are no capital letters.

It can be scary, but it’s like everything: once the mystery is clarified, everything seems simpler. Opinions differ on learning methods, learning materials and the way of learning. Two great schools that never stop arguing: learning to read and write, or simply learning to speak it.

The first will tell you that learning to speak without writing is mission impossible, because you will miss out on tones (tonal language), while the others will tell you: writing is wasting time, speaking is already difficult enough. Indeed, there are 5 different tones in the Thai language: that’s the difficulty: the same word pronounced in a different tone can have up to five different meanings. Kao for example means “rice”, “white”, “enter” and “nine” (the number). But pronounced differently of course.

There is also the famous “kaï” which means “egg”, “chicken” and “sell”. To that we can add “krai” (Who? in Thai), and we find a good way to practice the tones by saying “Who sells chicken eggs” (Kraï Kaï kai Kai….).

Indeed, the first time you see a Thai alphabet, you will say to yourself: that’s not possible, it’s Chinese. But in fact not at all: Chinese is a language which is written with ideograms which correspond to words (you have to know at least 1000 of them to hope to read a little), while Thai is an alphabet. Each sign corresponds to a letter which are assembled to make words. A positive point: it is much easier to memorize 44 letters than 1000 ideograms.

Depending on the needs and desires of each person, it is not necessarily necessary to learn to read, speaking is already more than enough (if you spend one month of vacation per year for example). Below are our tips and resources for learning to write and speak Thai.

1 – Learn the alphabet

Essential step in learning any language: the alphabet. Because the little drawings you see are actually an alpha-syllabary alphabet made up of 44 letters. A secret: divide them into 10 and try to remember them by learning each group of 4 letters every 3-4 days. In just over a month you will know your alphabet by heart. As each letter is associated with a word, you will also know so many useful words to start speaking. Small additional difficulty: There is no spacing between words. The spaces actually serve as punctuation to distinguish each sentence.

2 – Subscribe to Learn Thai With Mod on Youtube

We are completely a fan of it. A Thai who studied in the US, she gives her lessons on YouTube. Mainly composed of small scenes (discussions) which are then dissected and explained, which allows you to retain, in addition to vocabulary, the grammar essential to speaking correctly. The best part of this method: its lessons are subtitled in English and Thai. Be careful though, she is an English speaker. For those who resist the language of Shakespeare, all that remains is to hope that Mod’s charm works!

3 – A Teacher to guide you

Like all learning, it is possible to learn alone, but it is rare to succeed. The only way to learn well (and above all to stay motivated): call on a teacher (Krou in Thai). As the Thai community is very developed worldwide, it is easy to find a teacher near you. It will cost around $15 per hour on average. If you don’t have one, or you prefer to take lessons from your couch, with the internet, everything is possible. Many teachers now give their lessons on Skype. Very practical when you have children, you stay at home, and you don’t waste time on transport.

4 – The essential Assimil method

Its main goal is to learn quickly. The method focuses its learning on the use of everyday Thai. You should therefore very quickly see the fruit of your efforts by engaging in small conversations from the first weeks. It is recommended in this method to set a goal of one lesson per day (around fifteen minutes per lesson). Easy to free up time (public transport, lunch break, before bed), it therefore allows you to keep yourself motivated. Each Lesson is composed of a dialogue that allows you to integrate new words from day to day. The little extra, the MP3s allow you to get used to the intonations of the language!

5 – Charles Degnau’s Method

Method downloadable from the internet. Many Internet users highlight this method founded by a Frenchman. Based on learning everyday Thai, it provides a more in-depth method in books (available on its site and on Amazon). Like Assimil, it also offers an audio CD to familiarize yourself with Thai.

6 – Ponyothai videos (the best)

Impossible not to mention the famous Ponyo which has been providing free and above all quality videos on Youtube for several years. She listens very often and answers the questions her subscribers ask, which is a huge asset for beginners. She also created a Thai language learning school. If you have already followed the other 7, you are on the right track. As such, we offer you 3 additional tips.

7 – Stick post-its on everyday objects

Language students are familiar with this practice. From coffee in the morning, to sugar for your tea… it’s impossible not to remember them over time by seeing them every day. And you will quickly realize that the words you miss in a discussion are often linked to everyday objects. Plus, it will prevent you from looking like an idiot when one of your friends asks you: How do you say that for example?

8 – Open up to Thais

Learning is above all an exchange. The more you speak Thai with Thai people, the more self-confidence you will gain, and the more likely you are to improve your level of Thai. Being a tonal language, it is easy to make a mistake. It would be stupid to want to ride a horse and end up with a dog (Same word (Maa), but different tone). Over time, as your level progresses, you will be able to understand a sentence without understanding all of the words (and above all know how to ask for the meaning of these words that escape). It is from this moment that learning becomes a pleasure.

9 – Only speak Thai with Thai people

Going back to English is the easy way out. It is when we have no choice that we do things. So ban English when you are in Thailand, and you will see, you will progress much faster than alone at home. Thai people in general are very patient and understanding. They will correct you and make sure that you speak very polite and perfect Thai. Their advice is the most valuable (and above all the most useful). What’s more, seeing a Farang speak Thai will please them enormously, and they will immediately give you more respect than the average tourist who makes no effort.

Be careful though, they will very often answer you in English (so not used to a foreigner making the effort to speak their language). It’s up to you to take up the challenge and respond again in Thai.

Revolt in the Remote: When Employees Resist the Return to Office

Elon Musk wants employees back at work

Apple, Amazon, Lyft… In the United States, employees are rebelling against their employers over work-from-home, an achievement that many companies have been trying to revert for a year.

Work-from-home would harm team spirit, performance, creativity, and employee involvement. This is the sound little we can hear among managers and on LinkedIn for a year now.

For Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI (ChatGPT), endorsing teleworking after the pandemic would even be the worst mistake the tech industry has made. Disney and Salesforce – who two years ago assured that the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. office day was over – made an about-face by forcing employees to return to work.

These positions create significant internal tensions. The latest comes from Farmers Group, an American insurer. A shower of 2,000 negative comments fell on the internal messaging system of the Los Angeles-based group, after the announcement of the new CEO, Raul Vargas. The latter required 3 days of compulsory presence while last year, the majority of employees had switched to complete teleworking. The measure concerns 60% of the company’s 22,000 employees.

I sold my house

The news is experienced as a betrayal. Some employees have moved, reorganized their lives, sold their car after remote work was authorized. Some workers sold their house to move nearer to their relatives. According to Boston moving company EasyMoving, there is an uptick in relocation moves due to workers forced to move after the implementation of this new rule at some companies.

Companies message boards are full of comments, such as I am so sad to learn that I made the decision of moving out based on a lie. To make their voices heard, employees threaten to leave the company, others want to organize into a union.

Before them, it was the employees of Lyft, Apple and even Amazon who rebelled against measures restricting teleworking. At Amazon, hundreds demonstrated in front of the company’s headquarters in Seattle for this reason, among others.

Loss of creativity: facade or real motive

The CEO of Farmers Group cites, as often, the need for collaboration, innovation and creativity as reasons for this return to the fold. These arguments are hardly admissible for employees who had been told, a few months earlier, that productivity during the pandemic, where teleworking was widespread, had exceeded that before Covid.

On a larger scale, it is difficult to decide on the benefits and harms of these new methods of organization. Studies and surveys on the effects of remote work say a bit of everything and its opposite. A quarter of teleworkers feel alone, according to one survey, but according to another, the location does not really influence employee morale.

Creativity is described as the big loser in the home office in newspaper headlines, but on closer inspection, the surveys on which these headlines are based are not so clear-cut (30% of marketing directors believe that it is more difficult to create professional relationships when working remotely, which are essential for creativity).

Extremely hardcore schedule at Twitter

And then is this search for innovation and great team spirit really the reason that pushes managers to bring their teams back?

In a vitriolic article, Business Insiders believes that this speech is only a facade, relaying the analysis of researchers specializing in the working environment. Behind this lies a very archaic and sexist vision of things, the media explains.

The office is for work, and the home is for — well, for all those unpaid tasks that women do while their men are at work. In the minds of many bosses, teleworking is an oxymoron. This is notably the backdrop to Elon Musk’s speech, which calls for an end to teleworking, and a return to a hardcore schedule for Twitter employees.

In any case, the CEO of Farmers Group has decided. He has read the comments of his employees, but reaffirms in an internal email that his decision is maintained: the company must move forward.

Smartphone Recycling: Strides Made, But Room for Improvement

recycling of smartphones

Smartphone recycling is progressing, but can do better

Under pressure due to its heavy environmental impact, the smartphone market has pledged to increase its recycling and refurbishment efforts. Where is the sector and what are its prospects?

Where is the sector

After a sluggish start in the early 2010s, the sector has experienced a marked acceleration in recent years, both in terms of reconditioning (repairing used devices) and recycling components (metals, rare earths, plastics, etc.). US waste management is lacking behind when it comes to electronics recycling.

According to Persistence Market Research, 11% of devices sold worldwide are refurbished items. A rate lower than that of other electronic products, but nevertheless increasing, thanks to the progress made in terms of collection and repair, underlines this firm. More and more players are setting up recycling programs, due to regulatory pressure and consumer pressure.

We are still on low rates, but it is starting to take off. For environmental associations, progress remains insufficient. Only 20% of electronic waste is recycled, according to the Catalan NGO Setem, which organizes a mobile social congress parallel to the MWC. We could do a lot more in term of recycling and waste management for smart phones.

What are the recycling actors

A multitude of companies have emerged in recent years in the recycling niche, such as the resale site Back Market, the manufacturer of ethical telephones Fairphone, or Recommerce, a company specializing in second-hand devices.

A sign that the market is buoyant: the smartphone giants themselves have started reconditioning. Apple and Samsung have thus promised to increase the share of recycled materials in their devices and now have their own recycling channels. The ability to recycle smartphones has become an important issue for all manufacturers, but also for operators.

There are questions of images that are at stake, everyone tries to differentiate themselves. In Barcelona, the British group Vodafone has announced a partnership with Recommerce to promote the recovery of old devices. The French Orange had committed itself last year to increase from 2% to 10% the share of refurbished phones sold in its shops. US waste management laws should be inmplemented to take into account smartphones recycling.

What are its prospects for recycling

According to junk disposal and recycling experts, the sector should see strong growth, driven by the growing appetite of consumers for green products and by the slowdown in innovation in the smartphone market, which makes second-hand products more attractive.

According to the research firm Mordor Intelligence, the refurbished smartphone market should grow by 10% per year by 2027, with a notable breakthrough in the Asian market – particularly in India and Indonesia. An analysis shared by Persistence Market Research, which expects to see the turnover of recycled laptops jump over the next ten years, from 49.9 billion dollars in 2020 to 143 billion dollars in 2031.

Are there still brakes

Even if the outlook is positive, several obstacles still weigh on the sector, including technical ones related to waste collection. For recycling to be effective, you need a heavy waste management organization. But the main obstacles are cultural. More and more refurbished phones are sold with warranties. But there is still apprehension among consumers, who have doubts about the performance of the product.

The business practices of manufacturers and operators themselves do not always favor reconditioning. There is a culture consisting of constantly bombarding consumers with new offers and innovations, in order to push them to change” their devices.

A paradoxical strategy in view of the environmental message relayed by the giants in the sector. If you are really concerned about the planet, you have to bet on the sustainability of the product. However, this goes against the dominant economic model, based on a regular renewal of devices, often subsidized by the operators.

The cost of renting a dumpster in Ohio

In Ohio cities such as Akron, some people rent a dumpster so that they can collect smartphones and send them to the nearest recycling facility, all in one go. But how much does it cost to rent such a container?

The cost of renting a dumpster in Ohio can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the location within the state, the size of the dumpster, the duration of the rental, the type of waste you need to dispose of, and the specific dumpster rental company you choose.

In Akron, Ohio, as in most places near Cleveland, dumpsters come in various sizes, typically ranging from 10 to 40 cubic yards. Smaller dumpsters are more budget-friendly, with an average cost of around $200 to $500 for a one-week rental of a 10-yard container. These are suitable for small cleanout projects or minor renovations. Larger dumpsters, which are ideal for substantial construction projects or extensive cleanouts, can range from $500 to $1,000 or more for a week-long rental.

The type of waste you plan to dispose of can also impact the cost. Common household junk or construction debris is generally less expensive to dispose of than hazardous materials, electronics, or heavy materials like concrete and dirt.

Additional fees, such as permits, overage charges, or specific disposal requirements, can vary depending on the city or county regulations within Ohio. To get an accurate cost estimate, it’s advisable to contact local dumpster rental providers (check this website for more info), request quotes tailored to your project’s needs, and inquire about any potential extra costs. Comparing quotes from multiple companies can help you find the most cost-effective option for your specific situation. Prices can also fluctuate, so it’s wise to plan your rental well in advance to secure the best rates.

Waste Management Laws In The Usa

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the law that requires the United States to establish a solid waste management program within their borders.

The purpose of the program is to manage solid waste while also protecting human health and the environment. There are specific standards that states must meet in order to achieve this goal through their solid waste management programs.

These standards cover a wide range of topics, such as landfill design and operation, waste minimization and recycling, proper handling and disposal of hazardous chemical wastes, dumpster rentals ans transportation of solid waste and the inspection of solid waste facilities. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has the responsibility of enforcing the RCRA standards and through various means, monitors the states to help ensure they are meeting these standards.

What Are The US Laws For Handling Toxic Waste

All hazardous waste must be properly stored, transported and disposed according to federal, state and local regulations. You must identify, classify, and label all hazardous waste generated within your business.

There are also many federal, and local regulations that apply to specific types of waste, such as flammable liquids, radioactive materials, and medical waste. The Division of Waste Management is a subdivision of the Environment Protection Agency that deals with the disposal and management of hazardous wastes.

It is important to review the most recently amended regulations before handling any hazardous waste. Proper management, labeling and disposal of hazardous wastes will protect human health and the environment. You should always get a license before you start to handle and dispose hazardous waste. You should call your local waste management office for guidelines and procedures for handling hazardous waste. You can also get a dumpster rental for proper waste management.

Factories Must Have A Waste Management Plan

All factories in the United states must have a waste management plan for the waste they produce. It is a requirement by law. This has been made possible by the EPA to create awareness and control pollution. It is a federal law that all businesses must follow. These businesses must hire a company that can manage the waste material and make sure it is disposed of in a legal and safe way.

According to waste management experts in Little Rock, there are many businesses that offer dumpster rentals. If you find yourself needing a dumpster, then it would be a good idea to contact one of these companies. They will be able to handle any business waste material for you. Many people don’t think about this, but if you do some business with waste removal tasks, you are furthering yourself from the law. If you don’t follow this law, then you can be fined heavily.

Waste Management Services In The USA

In the United States, they have many waste management companies. However, the most commonly used services for waste management are dumpster rental, waste disposal, and trash clean up.

Dumpster rental is a great way to handle your waste, because it is cost effective and convenient. In most cases, a dumpster rental service will come to your location and pick up the waste from your business, home, or school.

This waste is then taken to a landfill or other location to be recycled, reused, or disposed of. It might cost a little more money to have the dumpster rental company remove the waste than you would have to pay to dispose of it yourself, but the convenience and time efficiency are worth the money!

What Are The Benefits Of Waste Management Laws In The USA

As for the benefits of waste management laws in the USA, these are there to make sure that the waste management industry is operating safely according to the guidelines and regulations. In other words, these will ensure that the waste management system is in place and working efficiently.

The main purpose of such laws is to regulate the way in which waste is collected, handled, re-used and recycled. In the United States, the federal government regulates the interstate shipment of hazardous waste. By making everything mandatory, they make sure that the entire system is working to its optimum level. All the waste that gets dumped and collected will be recycled or disposed of in accordance with the norms and guidelines, to best protect the enviromnemnt and human lives.

The Benefits Of Solar Energy

Even though you’re familiar with the fact that solar energy is beneficial to the environment, have you ever thought why or how this is so? The goal of this blog is to provide you with a better understanding of the environmental advantages of solar energy.

Benefits Of Solar Energy To The Environment

There are a plethora of various reasons why solar energy was so beneficial. Solar has various financial advantages, such as the ability to save money by lowering your electric bill, among other things. There are a number of additional advantages and benefits to consider. Some people simply enjoy the concept of living in a more environmentally friendly and energy-independent manner.

Reduces Air Pollution

Fossil fuels emit a large number of pollutants. If you’ve ever traveled to California, New York, or any other location where the terrain is characterized by mountains and valleys, you saw the pollution.

In addition to being detrimental to the environment and health, smog and polluted air are detrimental to our appearance. When contaminants become trapped in air, everything appears to be worse

Solar panels contribute to the reduction of air pollution. It is your solar panels’ responsibility to generate clean energy that does not add to air pollution.

Reduce Water Usage

If your energy source does not run on fossil fuels, it is very certainly reliant on some form of water as a source of power to function. Hydropower & nuclear energy both use large amounts of water to generate their respective amounts of electricity. When it comes to controlling water flow and energy production, a dam is frequently needed to achieve this goal. As a dam is built, it will have a tremendous effect on a local ecosystem.

Solar panels generate energy without using any water or having a detrimental influence on the environment. In fact, according to the United States of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), solar energy systems have the potential to reduce water usage in at least thirty six US states.

Reduces Dependence On Nonrenewable Energy Sources

Some individuals prefer solar energy since it is environmentally friendly and allows them to be more self-sufficient in terms of energy. Solar energy, on the other hand, has the potential to reduce our reliance on nonrenewable energy resources like fossil fuels. This is fantastic for a variety of reasons.

That is because nonrenewable energy resources are responsible for a large proportion of the pollutants that have a negative influence on the air quality. In order to benefit both the environment & the species, the sooner and more thoroughly you can convert to renewable energy.

Improves Humanity’s Health In The Long-Run

The previous discussion focused on the belief that the solar energy system might help us alleviate water shortages. However, in the same report, the US Office of Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency asserts that clean air may be beneficial to mankind’s health as a whole. We might potentially save more than 25,000 lives a year, according to the experts’ estimates. This is due to the fact that cleaner air leads to cleaner lungs.

Helps Fight Climate Change

Climate change is a serious issue to consider. The ongoing release of pollutants and more CO2 into the atmosphere has a negative impact on our environment. In turn, it makes it increasingly difficult for the environment to purify the air.

The ability to retain heat from the sun will grow as carbon count rises. Temperatures around the world will continue to rise and fall as the shifting air conditions have an impact on the climates of different regions

People can use solar energy to try to slow down the effects of global warming. In order to slow climate change, they can all reduce our CO2 emissions and put out less pollution.

Benefits Of Using Solar Energy

Reduce Your Energy Bill

Because you are generating your own electricity with solar panels, you will be consuming less electricity from your utility provider. This will immediately result in a reduction in your energy bill.

In addition, you can earn money by selling any unused electricity that you generate back to the power grid for it to be consumed by other users. You may make your investment even more profitable by taking advantage of solar panel grants that are available.

Energy Production During Peak Hours

The value of electricity generated at peak times is higher than the value of electricity generated at night. Because of the additional electrical input provided by solar energy, costs during those time periods could be brought down to levels comparable to those seen during night hours.

Solar Energy Is Usable Throughout The World

Solar power can be used nearly anywhere. This is especially useful in places where there is no other source of electricity. There are a lot of people who don’t have electricity.

Independent solar systems may be installed in those areas, which would enhance the lives of many people in the process. Furthermore, solar energy can be used to power spacecraft and boats.

Improves Grid Security

When there are a large number of power plants that are geographically dispersed, the grid is less sensitive to blackouts. There are many energy production centers that are widely distributed throughout a grid that has a high penetration of solar power. This increases the reliability of a grid in the event of an overload, a natural disaster, or a human-caused calamity.

Waste Management in the USA

The objective of waste management research is to study the measures developed by local authorities to encourage households to adopt pro-environmental behavior. Such approach articulates two complementary approaches.

On the one hand, from an economic approach, we can analyze the choices of local authorities to encourage users of the household waste disposal service to throw less waste. In this context, we can develop a typology of action levers developed by local authorities. Four different types of user involvement strategies have been identified with American local authorities, describing combinations of specific measures to achieve the environmental objectives set by the national waste policy.

Then, from an econometric study, we can highlight the importance in the choices of local authorities of taking into account the characteristics of users, a policy being all the more effective when the users of the service are ready to implement it.

On the other hand, from an approach in human and social sciences, we observe a fairly complex relationship between the user and the waste management service, as well as sorting practices that are firmly rooted in the daily lives of individuals.

Household Waste

Household waste is waste resulting from the activity of households in their homes. They are not recovered or processed in the same facilities, and must therefore be collected separately.

Assimilated Waste

This is waste produced in small quantities by professionals (companies, craftsmen, shops, associations, etc.) and administrations, which can be collected at the same time as residual household waste (waste assimilated to household waste) due to its nature.

Waste Collection

The waste collection service is organized either door-to-door or on a voluntary basis, possibly using specialized waste disposal services like Junk Empire.

Door-to-door collection means that a container (bin, dumpster, etc.) is assigned to a user or a group of users, and that it is collected at home or in the immediate vicinity of the place of production.

Voluntary contribution means that the container is made available in a space accessible to all users.

The organizing authority for the collection of household and similar waste is responsible for defining the conditions of application of the public service available to residents and other service users. This is the main purpose of the collection policy.

Collection regulations are based on the different types of waste as described below:

  • Residual household waste
  • Residual household waste is thrown into garbage bags which are placed in the bins …
  • Recyclable household packaging; household packaging must be discarded in bulk and without bag: either in the wheeled bins …
  • Glass
  • Glass jars, flasks, jars and bottles should be disposed of loose and uncapped in …
  • Bulky items
  • Bulky items are too heavy or too bulky waste to be collected in bins. They …
  • Green waste
  • Green waste is recoverable waste and should not be mixed with bulky and …
  • Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE); WEEE is hazardous waste that fits into a specific recovery process, …
  • Waste from household, DIY or gardening activities; dangerous for people or the environment, they cannot be collected with garbage …

The waste reception center is a fitted out, guarded, fenced area where individuals (and in some cases, professionals) can bring waste which, due to their nature, quantity, size, weight or dangerousness, cannot be collected at the same time than household garbage. Users deposit their waste in specific containers for recycling, recovery or treatment.

How to start a plumbing business

Plumbing is not what it used to be, and it can be a very lucrative business if handled properly. The key for success is to know how to find leads while providing quality work. Regarding leads, managing your online presence is definitely a crucial part in becoming a leading brand.

A water leak, blocked toilets, a radiator that no longer works by – 3 ° outside … a hard blow that can happen to anyone, at any time and deprive us of our modern comfort! If the plumber is the professional to contact in these cases, his mission is not limited to troubleshooting. Indeed, its role is also to provide drinking water, heating and air conditioning in offices, buildings and public places.

The job of a plumber

A specialist in sanitary installations, the plumber works in an industrial environment as well as in individual houses or collective establishments, whether for renovation work on old buildings or installations in new constructions.

The plumber assembles, repairs and maintains the water and gas pipes upstream and downstream of the devices themselves. It also carries out the installation and repair of sanitary appliances: bathtub, water heater, meter, taps.

Business description

Today, the plumber is not only the professional who is urgently called to repair a water leak. He also works on many other types of sites: installation of sanitary equipment, installation of swimming pool and spa, installation of heating system … Water, gas, the plumber masters all these installations! The plumber or plumber works according to the plans provided to him.

Its missions consist of:

  • Installing the pipes (water, gas, fuel, wood, solar energy). To do this, he studies the distribution and location of devices from the architect’s plans. It traces the course of the pipes along the walls and floors. He drills the necessary holes for laying pipes, shapes the piping by cutting tubes to the necessary dimensions and assembles them.
  • Checking for leaks and insulation once the pipes are installed.
  • Installing sanitary ware and make electrical connections for those who need it: bathtub, water heater, meter, taps, sink, radiators, boilers, etc.
  • Ensuring the adjustment and maintenance of all these devices.
  • Carrying out repairs: water leaks, disgorging pipes, unblocking septic tanks, troubleshooting a water heater, a boiler, repairing faucets, replacing defective devices

Often the plumbing contractor has a dual skill: plumber-heating engineer, plumber-thermal installer (he then takes care of the installation and maintenance of boilers and, increasingly, solar panels) or even plumber-roofer-zinc worker (for the installation of gutters, downspouts and generally to participate in the waterproofing of roofs). After a few years of practice, the plumber can progress to a position of site manager or work supervisor. He can also set up on his own, as a craftsman installer or repairman.

He traces the route of the pipes along the walls and partitions. He shapes the piping by cutting tubes to the desired dimensions. It welds them together or connects them to a heater or sanitary equipment, for example. He checks that the system is working properly and that there are no leaks. He installs plumbing fixtures, radiators and boilers in the places best suited to their use. It ensures the adjustment and maintenance of all these installations. He also performs many repairs and repairs to the homes of individuals.

The plumber most often works on a construction site, sheltered from the elements. Depending on the importance of the work, he works alone or in a team. The plumber’s job requires good physical condition because the plumber often operates in uncomfortable postures and sometimes carries and handles heavy loads. He may be required to work on Saturdays and on certain public holidays, often in an emergency, which therefore requires some availability.

Required qualities of a plumber

  • Precision and manual skill: The plumber is required to handle machines and assemble fragile materials. To carry out work on delicate parts, he must therefore be meticulous, careful and have good manual dexterity.
  • Availability: Often called upon for emergency repairs, the plumber can be called anytime. He must therefore be flexible in his schedules and availability (evening, weekend, public holiday).
  • Relational sense: If he works alone for an individual, the plumber must be able to explain his interventions and advise his client. If he is on a construction site, he collaborates with other colleagues (other pipefitters, electricians, masons etc.). In all cases, he must be able to communicate with ease.
  • Autonomy and sense of initiative: Each installation is different and the breakdowns are just as varied and sometimes even unprecedented. The plumber must therefore show adaptability, initiative and resourcefulness to assess the importance of the work to be undertaken, to choose the best repair technique, sometimes in an emergency.
  • Good form and physical resistance: If he works most often indoors and therefore does not suffer from inclement weather like other construction professionals, the plumber must nevertheless adopt uncomfortable working positions and for example twist to repair pipes which are difficult to access. He is also required to transport heavy parts such as boilers.

The plumber works as an employee in a sanitary or building plumbing company or in a company offering various specialties: roofing, thermal, zinc, sanitary, climatic … The driver’s license is essential to travel on the roads or construction sites. He can work on his own as a craftsman-installer or repairman before starting his own business.

Plumbing is one of the most popular specialties in the building industry. There are over 115,000 plumbing companies in the United States. And it can be very profitable if implemented in conjunction with a good marketing strategy.

Gaining 20/20 vision on the road to sustainability: Powering Ontario’s prosperity

Why should you care about Ontario’s energy system?

You are a taxpaying, socially responsible citizen – what makes energy any concern of yours as long as it keeps your lights on, TV on, laptop running and your WIFI working?
Let’s talk food for a second to help draw a parallel to why energy matters, especially regarding where and how we produce it and use it. Most of us care about local, organic food because we know that: 

  • it is healthier for our bodies and our kids;
  • our neighbour runs the shop that we buy it from and by buying there we support jobs in our neighbourhood; 
  • the food is coming from nearby and adds fewer carbon and other nasty emissions thanks to reduced transportation; 
  • less food waste occurs;
  • our community is more prosperous because our dollars are circulating and being re-invested locally. 

Living sustainably, buying locally, being “green” – this kind of awareness has become mainstream in economically, socially, and environmentally progressive rural and urban communities across Ontario.

In the same way, a distributed, integrated energy system bolsters prosperity in each community that hosts, partners, owns, and enables sustainable energy, resulting in both individual benefit for all of us as local citizens and for the province as a whole. 

The energy system – including our corner gas stations, the gas lines underfoot, our furnaces, among others – is integral to our economy, good jobs, community resilience, health, and future prosperity. 

“OSEA is enlisting the powerful knowledge of local people like you and industry leaders from the sector to share insights and envision a 20/20 Roadmap to a more prosperous province powered, heated and cooled, and moved by sustainable energy.”

Since 2008, when the economic downturn hit and our automotive sector floundered, we have seen billions invested in sustainable energy by citizens, communities, local and international companies, and our province. This investment has created good jobs for our youth and workers who were displaced by global forces in the construction sector, as solar and wind technicians, smart grid and district energy experts, waste management and recycling specialists, energy efficiency specialists, among other new local employment opportunities. 

Communities and their utilities across the province are becoming hosts, partners, proponents, and enablers of energy efficiency, smart grid solutions, district energy systems, solar, wind, energy storage, and other forward looking improvements like renting a dumpster.  Small municipalities like Brant County have installed solar projects that will create 45 full-time jobs and contribute 1.5 million dollars to the country and province in federal and provincial taxes over the course of twenty years. 

Markham has built out its district energy system, and its solar programs have resulted in more than $300,000 in non-tax based revenue annually for the municipality.  Toronto is investing in storage, district energy solutions, solar, bio-energy and grid upgrades.  M’Chigeeng First Nation has erected two turbines, becoming the first 100% First Nations owned wind project.  These are just a few exciting examples of local leadership!

Our local communities are doing great things!  As Canadians, we are also making great progress.  In fact, in sustainable energy investment we rank in the top four countries in the world, according to last year’s REN21 Global Status Report. Ontario with its Feed-in tariff and conservation programs enabled much of this development by empowering individuals as well as the community, public, and private sectors to become conservers and prosumers as opposed to just consumers. 

But our work is not done. As antiquated power plants reach the end of their lives and a significant portion of our infrastructure needs to be upgraded in the next five to ten years, we at the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) believe we need to identify portfolios of smart, firm, and flexible distributed sustainable energy projects in our communities across Ontario.

We need to look for ways to increase efficiency and effectiveness through the integration of our energy system’s electricity, heating and cooling, and transportation components.  We need to ensure that our leading communities continue to push the agenda as good hosts, partners, proponents, and enablers of these solutions, demonstrating the benefits that come to those who seize the opportunity.   

OSEA is enlisting the powerful knowledge of local people like you and industry leaders from the sector to share insights and envision a 20/20 Roadmap to a more prosperous province powered, heated and cooled, and moved by sustainable energy. You are invited to join us as a member, participate in our upcoming All-Energy Canada conference on April 9th and 10th and our province-wide showcase of sustainable energy during Green Energy Doors Open on October 4th 2021.

Together we can build a thriving sustainable energy sector to power Ontario’s prosperity with good jobs, resilient communities, and healthy environments. Regardless of your political affiliations, a flourishing, prosperous, and healthy Ontario remains within our reach if we work together with our neighbours and care about the choices that we make about energy.